Daleville Baptist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
To know Christ and to make Him known

Our Staff

Senior Pastor

Pastor Wesley Belcher came to Daleville Baptist Church as Senior Pastor in May 2015.  He is originally from Princeton, WV.  He received his Bachelor of Science in Religion, Master of Arts in Religion, and Master of Divinity from Liberty University and Liberty Theological Seminary in Lynchburg, VA. He received his Doctor of Ministry from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in December 2022.


Pastor Wes served from 2005 to 2008 as the youth pastor of Silver Springs Baptist Church in Princeton, WV, and from 2008 to 2015 as the pastor of Saltville Baptist Church in Saltville, VA.  


Wes describes himself as an under shepherd of Jesus Christ, his ministry philosophy is simple: to allow the Holy Spirit of God to love people through him, to serve people through him, and to teach people through him.  Pastor Wes is looking forward to leading Daleville Baptist Church as they together continue to know Christ and to make Him known in Daleville and the surrounding communities.


Pastor Wes is joined in ministry by his wife Sheila. 



Youth Leaders: Bill & Pam Downie 
  Music Director: Jason Hogancamp
Treasurer:  Mike Smith